Kumo's Proud Tails & Whiskers

Pet-sitting service
Unexpected out-of- town emergencie s can be STRESSFUL. Sometimes it can be hard to find someone to watch your pets, especially your anti-social feline ones. Don’t panic and call KUMO's.
We believe that your pet should be in a “free range”, stress-free environment with one-on-one care, which is why we provide in-home pet sitting where your pet will be free of the physical and emotional stress of a kennel, boarding or daycare facility. So, when you’re away you’ll have the peace of mind knowing your pets can stay in the safety and comfort of your home and maintain their normal routine.
We understand how hard it is to find a pet sitter that you can trust 100% with your pets.
Kumo's caretakers are reliable and trustworthy.
We are non-profit organization. All profits and royalties received are used by exclusively for charitable purposes to support homeless animals.

*Dog walking* Yard cleaned of dog waste *Feed *Playtime *Brushing

-Basic -
*Feed * Playtime *Brushing *Litter box cleaned*
-- Additional Services --
*Medication given *Water plants *Lights and curtains rotated each visit to give your home that lived in look *Security of house checked each visit *Mail and newspaper brought in daily *Trash to curb on trash day !
Basic Service
$45 per time
Dog Basic+ Additional
$50 per time
$45 per time
Basic + Additional
$50 per time
Initial Consultation Free. Fee waived when services are paid when scheduling. The initial consultation includes all necessary paperwork. This time is the “get to know each other” time between you and your new pet sitter.